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Sugar Art
LikesLikeslatifa_y 518wSugar Art
LikesLikeslatifa_y 518wMurooj Al Muharraq Sweets
1 Likes1 Likessara_s 518wMurooj Al Muharraq Sweets
4 Likes4 Likessara_s 518wKarami
This is a review for Buffet of Karami Restaurant in Ramli Mall. The Buffet was good. Much better than the average restaurant. Good varieties of tasty food for a balanced diet. Definitely should try the Um Ali if your going there!
1 Useful1 Usefulmohammed_a 518wLemon Shisha Bistro
LikesLikesahmed_a_2 518wLemon Shisha Bistro
1 Likes1 Likesahmed_a_2 518wLemon Shisha Bistro
1 Likes1 Likesahmed_a_2 518wCocos
LikesLikesfatima_m 518wCocos
LikesLikesfatima_m 518wHealth Watchers
2 Likes2 Likeshessa_y 518wHealth Watchers
2 Likes2 Likeshessa_y 518wHealth Watchers
مشيت على نظام هلث واتشر لمدة ثلاث شهور ونزل وزني 14 كيلو,صج سعرهم وايد بس النتيجة مضمونة %100. عجبتني قائمة الطعام المتنوعة ووجود أخصائيين للمتابعة و فكرتهم هي تغيير نمط الحياة لا مجرد رجيم لفترة معينه.. فمن خلال الوجبات يساعدونك على حب اﻷكل الصحي واﻹدمان عليه,و يتوفر لديهم أنظمة متنوعة متعددة…
1 Useful1 Usefulhessa_y 518wTea Club
2 Likes2 Likes3adnan_7 518wTea Club
LikesLikes3adnan_7 518wVenice
1 Likes1 Likestara 518wDar Maysaa Salon & Spa
حبيت انتقل لكم تجربتي مع البوتكس للشعر, سمعت عنه يحتوي على بروتينات الضرورية و يعالج مشاكل التقصف و الجفاف فجربته في صالون الميسا, عجبني شغلهم الحمدالله و شعري صار ناعم. اسعارهم على حسب طول الشعر بس انه يوم رحت كان عندهم عرض باربعين دينار. و قالولي لازم استخدم الشامبو و البلسم الخاص لان يعتبر مكمل…
UsefulUsefulsara_s 518wHealthy Calorie
3 Likes3 Likesmahdi 519wDr. Sameera AlMattook
LikesLikeslatifa_y 519wDr. Sameera AlMattook
جربت تقشير الكربوني لعلاج حب الشباب, الدكتوره قالتلي يبغالي اربع جلسات و كل جلسة بقيمة ستين دينار, الحمدلله من ثاني جلسة بينت النتيجه, اثار الحبوب خفت و احس بشرتي مرتاحه وفيها نضارة و اخيرا ارتحت من استخدام كريمات و غسول و حبوب و من دون فايده
UsefulUsefullatifa_y 519wAnsar Gallery
Its a very kind of Ansar Galley, they've put a food shelves aside for the poor ppl, unemployed and those who really not b able to buy, FOR FREE.. Im really pleased seeing this charity idea.. may god almighty bless them and give them strength..
1 Useful1 Usefultara 519wCafe Lilou
LikesLikesnazaneen_s 519wHealthy Calorie
Rarely you can measure your food in terms of calorie before you grape it. I believe to keep healthy and fit its essential to have your own record in every part of your life. Sometimes even you need to keep your job progress you require to measure your performance. Your food is your personality you…
4 Useful4 Usefulmahdi 519wCaffe Spasso
LikesLikesahmed_a_2 519wCaffe Spasso
LikesLikesahmed_a_2 519wVeranda Cafe
LikesLikes3adnan_7 519wVeranda Cafe
LikesLikes3adnan_7 519wDana Cinemas
Danacinema is near my house, but i always prefer to watch my favorite movies at city center cinema or seef. one of the reasons is a bad popcorn they sell to the people. if you are the one same as me which can't watch movies without popcorn then i don't recommend dana cinema at all. otherwise…
2 Comments2 Useful2 Comments2 Usefulzara 519wKudu
LikesLikesahmed_a_2 519wDana Cinemas
1 Likes1 Likeszara 519w