Claiming your Business Page

Begin your profile activation by visiting:

Now follow these steps to locate and claim your business on Bizioner:


  1. 1 The first step to taking over your business profile in Bizioner is to conduct a search query to see if a user has already added your business.

  2. 2 If you identify your business among the listed businesses, click on "Claim this business" and you will be prompted to follow additional steps to claim it and to validate your claim.

    If your business is not yet listed, then you will see at the bottom of the list a prompt to register your business in Bizioner. Click on it, and be ready to enter basic business information.

  3. 3 Additional steps to claim your business page and to validate your claim.

  4. 4 Bizioner validates your business entry by sending you an E-mail. This reduces the number of spammy or fake profiles created by malicious individuals.