(coconut and some vegetables) charcoal #icecream 
I don't recommend it 🙄 @ تارو فروزن يوجرت - البحرين
(coconut and some vegetables) charcoal #icecream
I don't recommend it 🙄
hussain80 and mifs like this.
  • 351 أسبوع مضت
    mifs شكله حلو!!! بس خلاص ماباخذ هههه.. بالعافيه
  • 351 أسبوع مضت
    mifs جان ذقتيه اول
  • 351 أسبوع مضت
    zara @@mifs yes actually I dont think making charcoal icecream was a good idea
  • 351 أسبوع مضت
    mifs Exactly that what I was also thinking like where has the mind gone @@zara