Content Guidelines

Guidelines and Policies

Bizioner is the fastest and easiest way to find the best local businesses, and share your photos and reviews of all kinds of services in your daily life. Bizioner is a Bahraini online platform, which is created with the purpose to connect people with great local businesses. Bizioner lets you browse or search local businesses by category or name, and get the contact details, restaurant's menu, addresses and direction from the business profile.

While we welcome you to share your photos and reviews of local businesses with everyone on Bizioner and earn Bizio credits, there are few things we expect from every user on Bizioner. Your reviews and photos, as well as your profile and the comments you share, are all subjected to Guidelines of our service system.

If your account is found guilty of violating any of these content guidelines, we possess the right to take action as required which includes altering or removing your data or even deleting your Bizioner account altogether, with or without notice.

To monitor user activities, Bizioner uses automated filtering software to recommend the most helpful and reliable reviews and photos for the Bizioner community. The software looks at some different signals, including various measures of quality, reliability, and activity on Bizioner and it also automatically filters dubious content. If you ever feel that Bizioner altered your account in error, email us at

Finally, we’ve put together some general guidelines. Please do review these guidelines below for specific types of content that you might contribute to Bizioner.

Foodie Code of Conduct

  • Should be relevant: Please make sure that your contributions are relevant to Bizioner. Such information might be filtered without notice that is inappropriate, irrelevant, or is for any kind of personal promotion and fails to meet our user policy.
  • Should be enough: In order to make sure availability of highest-quality content that is useful to everyone, reviews are required to be a minimum of 140 characters long. Which makes it convenient even for all you micro-bloggers out there. You won't fall short of fulfilling this requirement if you cover your whole experience that includes product, service and atmosphere of a place. Try to explain the whole scenario as clearly as possible so a wider range of audience can understand it.
  • Should be fresh: You are free to post reviews according to your most recent experiences at a place but you are encouraged to keep it fresh so it can help people when they are trying to decide whether or not to go or use the services of that place.
  • Should be Clean: It doesn't matter that if you are writing a 140-character snippet or a detailed account of your meal, foul/abusive/hateful language or any other kind of unethical behavior must be avoided. Our Automatic Filtering System will delete such information automatically. Also, unnecessary information and spaces must be avoided too.
  • Promotional content: Unless you're using your Business Owners Version of Bizioner app to add content to your business's profile page, we encourage you to avoid posting promotional content on Customers Version of Bizioner app. Avoid unnecessary details and one's own relevance with a place or it's owners. Personal promotion is forbidden on this platform and will face automatic filtration. Bizioner is just meant for you to describe your personal point of view related to a business.
  • Be yourself: Users are encouraged to keep it real on Bizioner as your profile is your identity. You are welcome to be unique and creative with your profile but please abstain from using any inappropriate names, bios or profile images
  • Should be authentic: Reviews must be based only on your personal experiences and should be exempted from exaggeration and fabrication. Deceptive, falsifying or misleading reviews will be removed. We love and prefer reviews to be short and sweet, but at the same time we request our users to write reviews that are based on personal experiences instead of general opinion of a place or product.
  • Avoid Plagiarism: Copying others content in any manner such as reviews or photos, or even re-posting your own content in multiple places on Bizioner must be avoided also. We trust our users to be fair and authoritative.
  • Respect the rules: The content that you place should be in agreement with Bizioner's terms and conditions, as well as local laws and regulations. Local laws must be respected at all costs as they supersede, and content might be modified to cohere to those.
  • Avoid garbling: Identifying or promoting yourself as an official Bizioner blogger, or using your status to seek benefits in swapping for promotion or at the threat of negative reviews will not be tolerated. We possess the authority to delete your personal profile without any questions or notice, if reports or evidence of such instances are brought to our attention.